

Laser material processing is an essential technology in modern production. Laser beam steering systems are used to move the laser beam on the workpiece surface. Solutions based on moving masses such as galvanometer- or polygon-scanners are often the limiting factor in terms of process speed and productivity in laser material processing.

At INLEAP Photonics we are overcoming the limitations of mass inertia. With our technology, we provide highly productive, flexible and ultra-fast laser beam steering systems to the industry. With these systems, our customers raise the full potential of laser material processing in terms of throughput, efficiency and cost. Furthermore, we develop customized solutions according to individual customer requirements.

Get ready for a new era of ultra-fast and sustainable laser material processing and leap into the future of laser beam steering with INLEAP Photonics – Laser in motion!


INLEAP Photonics was founded in 2023 by long-time colleagues as a spin-off of the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH). Our management consists of highly qualified experts and unites extensive know-how in the fields of laser technology, process automation, mechanical engineering and business development. Our diverse skills complement each other perfectly and we work together to develop sustainable and innovative laser beam steering systems with focus on productivity, reliability, and safety. As a team, we are proud to provide our customers a new generation of laser manufacturing technology.


Dr.-Ing. Felix Wellmann

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Technology development
Optical system design
Laser processing technology


Marius Lammers

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Technical sales
Laser system technology


Jannes August

Head of Automation

Machine control software
Sensors technology


Katharina Haas

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Marketing and sales
Sourcing and logistics


We are grateful for our valued partners who accompany and support us.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!


Supported by NBank, funded by Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)

We are pleased to announce that we are working on a new kind of control system for INLEAP® FASTLIGHT® as part of a project funded by the NBank and the Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) in collaboration with the Laser Zentrum Hannover e. V. The aim is to develop a functional demonstrator of a dynamic, autonomous control system for an ultra-fast laser beam steering system. We look forward to the upcoming collaboration and the development of the novel control solution that uses AI to enhance production productivity.

If you want to know more about the project, feel free to contact us!


Bezeichnung des Vorhabens: Entwicklung einer neuartigen Steuerung für Laserstrahllenksysteme

Zusammenfassung des Vorhabens: Entwicklung eines Funktionsdemonstrators einer dynamischen, autonomen Steuerung für ein ultraschnelles Laserstrahllenksystem



We are proud to announce that we have won “Startup-Impuls” competition 2024 by hannoverimpuls GmbH and Gehrke Econ in the category “University-Start”. This highlights our innovative initiative and dedication.

Founder Award +

We’re proud that our INLEAP® FASTLIGHT® technology was recognized with the “Founder Award +” as part of the “Gründungswettbewerb – Digitale Innovationen” by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). This award is given to six selected most innovative German start-ups.


Gefördert durch:

aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages

INLEAP Photonics GmbH
Hollerithallee 8
30419 Hannover